Everything Bremerton: My faith in humanity

It began with the lowest of lows June 28 after finding out the Warren Avenue Pee Wee Clubhouse had been broken into and more than $800 of fireworks needed for fundraising were stolen.

These past few weeks my faith in humanity has experienced a successive series of peaks and valleys. It began with the lowest of lows June 28 after finding out the Warren Avenue Pee Wee Clubhouse had been broken into and more than $800 of fireworks needed for fundraising were stolen. What kind of scum steals from kids? My own child plays sports for the Warren Avenue organization. Nick is getting ready to start his third year of Pee Wee Football and as the season progresses, I will occasionally be writing about my adventures as a Team Mom.

Just this week I found out there is a very happy ending to this story. In the days following the burglary, residents and business owners came forward to donate approximately $2,000 in cash to make up for the theft. These were people who did not have any interest in purchasing the fireworks but just wanted to help the kids. I would like to personally take the time to thank some of the larger contributors here. They are: Mr. Pete Peterson, Dave Barcelon’s Truck Town, Mustard Seed Landscaping, Carol Bergsma and Pete Weathers. Warren Avenue Pee Wee President Steven Bullard has assured me that there were so many more individuals just walking up to the stand with smaller donations that the club volunteers could not keep up with getting all the names. What a great response from a caring community. This Team Mom thanks you.

Speaking of businesses that put customers before profit, I would also like to thank the Legend Harley Davidson Service Department in Silverdale. My husband had his Harley in service for a rear brake job. The parts were ordered and we were all set to pay the full price. Instead, we received a phone call to let us know that the rear pads on the bike were still more than 50 percent and did not need to be replaced at this time. A less-than-honest shop would have just replaced the pads, taken the payment and we never would have known. Instead, Legend Harley Davidson did what was right. For that they may have lost a little revenue on this visit but they have now gained a long-term service customer.

I also wanted to update everyone on the outcome of my jury duty service. I wrote about being summoned in my June 18 column. Because Independence Day was observed by the courts on Monday July 5, I ended up not having to report for my jury call until Wednesday, July 6. Those of us summoned had just completed our check-in and orientation when we were notified that the judge would be coming down to talk with us. Evidently there are certain types of “witnesses” that do not feel the need to respect the court system by simply showing up to testify. They also do not bother to tell anyone that they will not be showing up. To those of us who did show up for our civic duty this was a very disappointing outcome. As a fellow taxpayer and citizen, I would like to remind these individuals that they are wasting everyone’s time with their selfish personal choices and by not honoring their obligations. A big thank you to Judge Stephen J. Holman for coming down to talk with the jury pool to explain what had happened and answer any questions.

Here is to a better week ahead and the continued restoration in the best that humanity has to offer.
