I’ve been with the Silverdale Chamber since October 2001. During that time I’ve met countless individuals with the entrepreneurial spirit hoping for the magic potion to success. I’m still looking for that potion, I’ve searched the office but I’ve not found it. What I have found is that success comes from the heart, or as I’ve quoted him before Rand Riedrich’s reference to “the fire in the belly.”
It’s not enough to want to be successful, you’ve got to live, breathe and be it in everything you do. The universe has an interesting way of rewarding people who, no matter their circumstance, remember to come from a place of abundance rather than lack.
A lot of these potential successes come in with the latest “fad” or “fancy,” certain they are going to swoop into the market place, establish themselves as the purveyor of widget “x.” The problem is that they really aren’t invested in widget “x,” they just heard that someone else made a killing with it and want their shot.
My best advice to future Fortune 500 listees: find something you truly believe in, find something that brings you fulfillment and make sure there is a dose of fun in it.
A “consultant” stopped in a few years back, trying to make connections in the community to do grant writing. It really wasn’t what he wanted to do but he knew it was reliable for a decent paycheck. I asked him what he really wanted to do. “Mr. Three Piece Suit” wanted, more than anything in the world, to open a hot dog stand. He wanted to mingle with people all day, make a great dog and make people happy on a personal level. When I asked him why he didn’t, he didn’t respond he just shook his head.
All we have to do is check the price of gas, or the bottom line of the grocery bill to know that times are tougher than we are used to. What is the point in continuing to do something just like you always have, because it is the way you’ve always done it?
Is it time to consider what your whimsy is? Is it time to take a look at the way you do business, the way you treat your customers or the stranger on the street for that matter and make a change? Is it worth the risk? What could the reward be? So many people are tired of the status quo, tired of the daily grind and feeling like they aren’t getting paid their worth. What is your worth? Only you can figure that out.
What I’ve learned is that life is too darn short to be “stuck” in a job or a predicament that isn’t fulfilling and doesn’t leave you feeling successful at the end of the day. Take some time in the next week to ponder what it is you would be doing if you could make the leap of faith.
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