There’s nothing like it. Walking over the hillside in an already historic town and walking smack dab into the Middle Ages. It’s quite a shock, but in the best possible way, of course. And as the Society for Creative Anachronism’s 25th anniversary gets underway with everything from archery and heavy armor combat to rapier swordplay and jousting, we’d like to welcome every lord, lady, knight, damsel, lass and lad back to Port Gamble.
For the past five years, members of the SCA have put on one heck of a great time for everyone with their heads firmly planted in the 21st century and while we’re not too hip on the higher price of admission ($5 per person as opposed to $5 per carload), we’re still sure folks will get quite a bang for their bucks. Besides where else can folks enjoy all of the benefits of Medieval life with none of the drawbacks — or drawbridges as the case may be? No Black Plague, filth, open sewers, rats, raiders, beggars, lepers, pickpockets or knaves are scheduled to make an appearance after all.
Even so, the SCA event is about as authentic as it can possibly be. It’s a grand time to boot.
So whether you root for Robin Hood, the Sheriff of Knottingham, the Black Knight or brave Sir Robin, don’t be shy and visit Port Gamble this weekend. If your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you’ll be among friends.