Hell’s Belles are working for the devil

Poulsbo woman writes Letter to the Editor condemning the band

Letter to the editor

The Kitsap County Fair is having a satanic music group as entertainment. The Hell’s Belles are from Bremerton, and they work for the devil.

On the front of the Kitsap Sun, there is a color picture of one of the Hell’s Belles flashing the sign of the devil.

What I want to know, is next year, will the fair give equal time to a Christian music group? If the Christians cannot have equal time, then the taxpayers are sponsoring, and yes, promoting Satan, the prince of all that is evil.

In the two page spread the Kitsap Sun gave to them (for free advertisement, I might add), they freely admitted they would not get into the darker elements of their music at the fair.

Well, wow, I am so grateful for that, you devil-worshippers! You are really lucky this year, the devil himself doesn’t show up and pitchfork you at the fair.

A good moniker for the fair this year would be, “Come on down, y’all and see what you’re in for.”

Here’s another idea – if everybody in power at the fair hates Heaven so much, why don’t we call it The Sample of Hell – Kitsap County Style.

There’s no charge, you’ll get that later.

Great bit of fun. Well, I won’t be there, folks. My destiny is Heaven with Jesus Christ, because it is in Him I trust.

I challenge the Central Kitsap Reporter to print this letter, but have doubts it is too truthful and scary.

Too bad. Tried to warn you people. Talk about scary – your lack of love of God should scare you.

Jan VanWyk
