If the port wants our trust, it needs to earn it

Port of Bremerton CEO Cary Bozeman says, “Earning the public’s trust is the port’s urgent priority.”


Having attended many of the port’s meetings, as well as the special district meetings designed to earn the public’s trust, I saw only one commissioner — South Kitsap’s Larry Stokes — willing to come to the aid of the taxpayer.

His no-nonsense business approach to the port’s operations is welcome.

To help the public trust issue, the others should get on board with common-sense accountability and stop spending our hard-earned dollars on wild, money-losing ventures like the Bremerton Marina.

Hey guys, we’re still aware the marina is losing money every month.

If they want our trust, they need to stop raising taxes for unsustainable schemes and by repealing the port tax imposed in 2007.

If they want our trust, they need to stop talking about it and start doing something to earn it.

Rob Daugherty is an Olalla resident.
