IN OUR OPINION | Goodbye Lorraine, you will be missed

I remember my first day at the Port Orchard Independent. The first person I met was Associate Publisher Lorraine May.

I remember my first day at the Port Orchard Independent. The first person I met was Associate Publisher Lorraine May.

Since I was new to the area, thanks to Lorraine I was brought up to speed on the Port Orchard and South Kitsap communities.

The first week on the job, Lorraine took me around town and introduced me to many of the movers and shakers in the community, and helped me find my bearings around town.

Lorraine always had a smile and the first thing we heard from her every Monday or Tuesday morning — depending on holidays — was “Good morning. How was your weekend?”

She was extremely knowledgeable about advertising, marketing and the newspaper business. Lorraine believed in the Independent and she did whatever it took to help the newspaper be successful. And she believed in and loved the community.

There were times we would sit down and brainstorm ideas about promotions or how to better market or promote the Independent. But most of the time that I went into her office, it was usually to steal a piece of chocolate from the candy dish on her desk. She knew I loved chocolate and there was always plenty in the dish.

And there were those times, when our schedules would allow it, that we would close up the office and hit MoonDogs Too or Dave’s for lunch.

Sometimes I would seek her advice about a story I was contemplating about writing. We were always throwing ideas around to each other.

Lorraine always kept me updated on new businesses opening up or business that were closing. We seemed to keep each other update on happenings in Port Orchard and the South Kitsap community.

Watching her through her bout with cancer for 18 months, I admired her courage, her determination and her positive attitude. She never complained about having to come to work even though she was not at 100 percent most of the time. She always had a smile on her face and a kind word.

Even during a brief two-month retirement, she always made time to stop by the office and check on us to see how we were doing with her. She even brought me and Chris a box of ice cream bars to battle the summer heat.

I hated to see her retire, but I understood why she decided to. I hated to see her go then. I hate to see her go now.

The Port Orchard Independent staff has lost a valuable and loved colleague.

Goodbye, Lorraine. We will always remember you in our hearts.

— Dannie Oliveaux, editor

