In our opinion: Southern exposure

As the county leaders consider more regulations for “sexspresso” stands operating throughout the county they should also consider the complications and costs of enforcing any changes made regarding the sexy coffee companies and their scantily clad employees.

As the county leaders consider more regulations for “sexspresso” stands operating throughout the county they should also consider the complications and costs of enforcing any changes made regarding the sexy coffee companies and their scantily clad employees.

One of the  possible changes fails the enforceable test because it includes “exposure of buttocks” as lewd conduct. Every high-school kid that shoots the moon thereafter will be subject to county prosecution along with the baring baristas that have mothers and families upset enough to seek redress from local authorities.

Short shorts would beckon authorities to the mall as some shoppers limit what they wear later this month when the only real heat of summer arrives. The county would also have to better define “expose” as some of the clothing worn to public events around town borders on a thin veneer of body paint revealing all sorts of crevices of the human body.

Enforcement is the real nightmare that so often local lawmakers fail to define. The enforcement strategy, the standard operating procedure and the funds to pay for it  all when the actual enforcement falls upon police departments and county prosecutors.

Without a direct enforcement policy insisting that beach goers who’s bottoms pop out of their bikinis are prosecuted, equal protection will come into play and the baristas could sue the county’s enforcing body for huge sums.  Win or loose, the legal battles would cost tens of thousands of dollars in fees and time otherwise used to run the budget-strapped county.

One middle ground option offered includes requiring “bouncers” to check the ID’s of all coffee customers that frequent stands offering that something extra with the morning triple-not-fat latté.

As a newspaper, we must support free speech in all realms and un-hindered. With respect for the community, we support sensible government that avoids dumping tens of thousands of dollars into legal fights responding to poorly considered regulation built to satisfy a few vocal opponents evangelizing acceptable norms and lifestyles.

We also support those disgruntled citizens right to use their speech rights to picket any and all stands they find offensive.
