Keep discussions of public business in City Hall

We like our pancakes and eggs as much as anyone. And we think the Family Pancake House is a fine establishment. But two City of Port Orchard committees need to move their meeting locations from the Family Pancake House to City Hall.

Keep discussions of public business in City Hall

We like our pancakes and eggs as much as anyone. And we think the Family Pancake House is a fine establishment. But two City of Port Orchard committees need to move their meeting locations from the Family Pancake House to City Hall.

The Utilities Committee, on which three City Council members and the public works director serve, meets periodically to review issues related to water quality and the handling of wastewater and storm water. Committee members also meet with West Sound Utility District commissioners regarding operation of the joint wastewater treatment facility.

The Finance Committee, on which three council members and the finance director serve, meets periodically to review contracts and financial issues, especially those regarding the budget at the end of the calendar year.

Both committees regularly take recommendations back to the entire City Council.

These committees are subject to the state Open Public Meetings Act, which requires that such meetings be “open and accessible to the public.” In the public’s house, City Hall, meetings are indeed open and accessible. In a restaurant, the level of participation can be affected by where you sit and by crowd noise. And it can be awkward; after all, how often do you sit in a restaurant and not order anything?

These committees do very important work. At its April 17 meeting, the Utilities Committee discussed the final design and construction of a $2 million marina sewer-pump station, final design and construction of an $800,000 sewer-pump station on Bay Street, an update on water quality on Perry Avenue North, an analysis of water consumption, marina restroom modifications, and street lighting on Bay Street.

The Finance Committee met April 24 to discuss with the Port of Bremerton construction of a covered pavilion on the east end of Marina Park (Councilman John Clauson, who chairs the committee, says on the audio recording at the start of the meeting that “we forgot one thing on the agenda,” in reference to discussion of the project, yet the committee discussed it anyway).

The committee met in November and January in City Hall, then returned to the Family Pancake House in March and April. The Finance Committee’s next meeting is 7:30 a.m. June 3. The Utilities Committee’s next meeting is 7:30 a.m. June 12. Have those meetings at City Hall, and at a time that is more conducive to public participation.

— What are your thoughts on this issue? Write Port Orchard Independent, 2465 Bethel Road, Suite 102, Port Orchard, WA 98366, or email

