Keep our hospitals under doctor control

The three main reasons for hospital care are respiratory, gastrointestinal and depression.

The three main reasons for hospital care are respiratory, gastrointestinal and depression.

These are medical issues that require doctors and nurses. Clergy can be excellent subordinate supportive friends. Hospital chapels are okay, too.

We must tell the boards of medical centers and Harrison CEO Scott Bosch that the best medical opinions are from degreed and licensed physicians and nurses.

The Puget Sound area initiatives that merge religions with public hospitals subordinates excellence — brains to religious whims.

Only a tiny fraction of clergy, including bishops, could ever have been admitted and completed medical school — lack of talent.

We also want to keep abortions, other woman’s health issues and death with dignity within our lawful rights.

Encyclicals, sermons too, are not of medical derivation.



John Freeburg


