Kitsap’s need has never been greater


The election of 2010 is finally over, and regardless of who you supported or who won, one thing remains constant — people in our community need your help!

That’s right, no matter who’s celebrating or who’s wishing they had done something different to attract your vote, our community has people who don’t have a job, maybe are homeless, hungry or on the verge of becoming a victim of the past three years of this economic downturn.

Maybe you know someone who is struggling to keep the doors to his or her business open because sales are down.

Perhaps a local contractor is struggling to find work because the housing crunch has created a flooded market of unsold homes, or because current home owners are waiting for a better time to remodel.

Whatever the situation or the reason, our friends, neighbors and maybe even a relative is hurting and needs help.

That is why United Way of Kitsap County exists. That’s why United Way believes that we can do more united than we can ever do alone.

Don’t you wish everyone felt that way?

That’s why we need your help.

We’re in the third year of a very serious time in our history. A few weeks ago we were reminded that the poverty rate has increased in the past year by 14.3 percent, the highest it has been since 1994.

That rate is even higher for children under 19, more than 20 percent are now living in poverty.

We’ve recently seen in the papers stories of the plight of the homeless in Kitsap County. Yes, some of those have made it their choice and some of them may even be bad people, but the truth is that most have found themselves homeless because of a lost job, foreclosure, mental or physical illness, and yes, even some who have made poor choices.

Many organizations in the community, including United Way, have offered their facilities as cold/inclement weather shelters that will be supervised by trained Emergency Management Volunteers.

But this is just a temporary solution to an increasingly painful sad human condition.

Already the predicted bad winter has been dumping a record amount of rain on Kitsap County and if the prediction becomes a reality, we will not only have rain, but an abundance of snow and very cold nights.

We’ve seen local organizations that have been thinking of outside-the-box solutions but have found it very difficult to convince people around them of the validity of the idea and that it is a safe and sound solution even if it is temporary.

United Way of Kitsap County supports several organizations in our community struggling to help house the homeless, feed the hungry, provide mental and medical help to the sick, protect the abused and help seniors stay independent.

But it’s getting tougher every day to maintain the necessary funding let alone do what really needs to be done, increase funding to support these vital health and human services programs.

That is why we need your help.

If you’re a business or an individual who has in the past participated in the United Way campaign, I thank you for your help and ask you to please consider increasing your pledge this year.

If you are a business and have not in the past pledged your support or held a United Way campaign for your employees, or if you are an individual who has not participated in the United Way campaign, please consider doing so this year.

The need is greater because more people are in need.

Your support for United Way means that your dollars stay local and help local people.

Please help us in our quest to ensure that our community stays healthy and remains one of the best places to live, work and raise a family.

It is true, that we can do more united that we can ever do alone!

To participate, to make a pledge and an investment in your community, please call (360) 377-8505 or send your donation to United Way of Kitsap County, 647 4th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337.

You will feel the gratitude of thousands of people who will benefit from your gift.

Scott Bosch

CEO of Harrison Medical Center in Bremerton
