



A job well done

I would like to thank the many persons who worked on the newly designed intersection.

Marc Gasper from the county and general contractor Jeff Seaton did an outstanding job of coordinating the many work groups. Also, John Brand manning the phones at public works. Traffic is flowing much better now. I am especially loving the new left-turn yellow arrow. This is a great improvement that should be implemented countywide.


Tracyton Boulevard


Access bus system

Are Kitsap Transit and Bremerton really searching out all methods of ways to finance the Access Bus system?

Sept. 29, 2009, Cal-Trans reported it was given federal stimulus dollars to the tune of almost $3.5 million to enhance and maintain their public transportation in the rural agencies of Northern California.

Also, in a recent AARP Bulletin, they announced New York City has been very successful using school buses to transport older adults, 60 and older, to supermarkets and other ventures throughout the Big Apple for free.

It was all put together in 2008 as a Brooklyn pilot program whose success led to a citywide rollout in September 2009.

Now, really, would it be so impossible to find a way to bus all the seniors in Kitsap County?



Health care reform

Will only benefit lawyers

Bray all you want about the way Congressman Inslee is saving us from ourselves on health insurance “reform,” as the leadership maligns insurers and jaw about cutting doctors and hospitals fees. The truth, as found on pages 1,431-1,433 of the House bill, is they are more interested raising the costs like this:

Section 2531, entitled “Medical Liability Alternatives,” establishes an incentive program for states to adopt and implement alternatives to medical liability litigation. But a state is not eligible for the incentive payments if that state puts a law on the books that limits attorneys’ fees

or imposes caps on damages.





A job well done

I would like to thank the many persons who worked on the newly designed intersection.

Marc Gasper from the county and general contractor Jeff Seaton did an outstanding job of coordinating the many work groups. Also, John Brand manning the phones at public works. Traffic is flowing much better now. I am especially loving the new left-turn yellow arrow. This is a great improvement that should be implemented countywide.


Tracyton Boulevard


Access bus system

Are Kitsap Transit and Bremerton really searching out all methods of ways to finance the Access Bus system?

Sept. 29, 2009, Cal-Trans reported it was given federal stimulus dollars to the tune of almost $3.5 million to enhance and maintain their public transportation in the rural agencies of Northern California.

Also, in a recent AARP Bulletin, they announced New York City has been very successful using school buses to transport older adults, 60 and older, to supermarkets and other ventures throughout the Big Apple for free.

It was all put together in 2008 as a Brooklyn pilot program whose success led to a citywide rollout in September 2009.

Now, really, would it be so impossible to find a way to bus all the seniors in Kitsap County?



Health care reform

Will only benefit lawyers

Bray all you want about the way Congressman Inslee is saving us from ourselves on health insurance “reform,” as the leadership maligns insurers and jaw about cutting doctors and hospitals fees. The truth, as found on pages 1,431-1,433 of the House bill, is they are more interested raising the costs like this:

Section 2531, entitled “Medical Liability Alternatives,” establishes an incentive program for states to adopt and implement alternatives to medical liability litigation. But a state is not eligible for the incentive payments if that state puts a law on the books that limits attorneys’ fees

or imposes caps on damages.

