
Letters on letters

Letters on letters

Sounds like a Democrat in disguise

In his recent letter (Sept. 4), William Frey of Poulsbo claims to be an embarrassed Republican who was disappointed by the irreverent responses from what he assumed to be his fellow Republican Party members at the Jay Inslee town hall on health care reform.

I was there. Those in the audience who opposed Mr. Inslee’s unwavering support of a bill that would ultimately lead to a Canadian-style government health care system exhibited remarkable restraint in exercising their First Amendment right to speak out. Interestingly, Mr. Frey failed to mention the outbursts from the “single payer” supporters.

As an active member of the Kitsap Republican Party, I did not recognize any of those who spoke in opposition to the bill or who voiced their concerns during the meeting. I talked to several of these people afterward and found they were just deeply concerned citizens — most of whom had never attended any kind of political event.

Mr. Frey should rightly be embarrassed — for even suggesting he might be a Republican. He sounds more like a Democrat in disguise, using the Saul Alinsky tactic of infiltrating the opposition and then acting in ways designed to discredit them. In any case, the Secretary of State’s database does not show a William Frey of Poulsbo as a registered voter.

