Thank you
contest a hit
I would like to thank all of the people who participated in our recent contest to find a name for the new Waaga Way Extension road. All involved deem the contest a great success. About 275 Kitsap residents proposed names or supported names proposed by others. In the end, our judges had nearly 60 names from which to select three finalists. The contest was a great demonstration of community involvement. My special thanks to the Central Kitsap Reporter, which co-sponsored the contest with the Central Kitsap Community Council, and provided the Internet expertise; to the Yacht Club Broiler and Best Buy, which donated prizes for the winning entry; and to the Silverdale Library, which hosted a ballot box for entries. Lastly, a very sincere thank you to our judges, Natalie Bryson, Kassie Korich and Carl Johnson who had the tough task of selecting the three finalists from among the many very good, thoughtful, proposed names. At their July 27 meeting, our Kitsap County Commissioners formally chose the judges’ first preference, Greaves Way, as the new name for the road. The Greaves family has been an active presence in Central Kitsap for several generations and the family farm was located where the Kitsap Mall now stands. In the not-too-distant future, it is likely that several new roads will be built in the county, which may present even more opportunities for community participation.
Central Kitsap Community Council
Health care
One plan for them, another for us
Isn’t it ironic the very health care system Sen. Ted Kennedy demands for us would have meant his own death?
Yes, under the proposed health care plan, dear Ted would have been sent home with pain pills to die.
Except, I forgot…the national health care plan in the works would not apply to Teddy.
In fact, it would not apply to any congressman or congresswoman, or any federal employee, or any union employee (as payback for campaign contributions). It only applies to the rest of us peons.
Maybe a truly fair plan would be one that all us Americans would be covered under. Maybe if the politicians had to suffer with the rest of us, they would make better decisions for all of us.