Reader feedback
Discussion is OK, but …
I refer to the piece, “A lesson in religious tolerance,” by Val Torrens that appeared in the Dec. 13 edition.
As a Christian, I do not mind at all the sight of menorahs and references to Kwanzaa around Christmas because they represent a positive statement of an alternative belief system. However, the Freedom From Religion Foundation exhibit is a negative attack on religious belief designed to mock and belittle. Essentially, instead of expressing an alternative viewpoint it states, “you’re all wrong and stupid with it.”
Chris Moore
Dems should be up in arms
If the alternative to transform the Alaskan Way viaduct into surface streets comes to pass, the days of easy access to Colman Dock are numbered. A quarter of Seattle´s North South traffic will be interrupted with every ferry arrival. Thus the Ferry System´s second alternative of screwing down service on the Bremerton run to one boat plus a gaggle of fair weather spit-kit passenger ferries meshes well with the idiocy that passes for leadership and vision at WSDOT and the city of Seattle.
What I want to know is where are the majority Democrats, that represent this county in the legislature, who ought to be up in arms? What impact are all the County electeds, who voted to remain in the Puget Sound Council of Governments having on assuring our access through Colman Dock and maintaining our auto runs? Or are they complicit by continuing to vote for more Kitsap Transit foot-ferries?
The Bremerton run should have a third boat, not one. Remember it is part of the state highway system.
Matt Ryan
City Hall
Are you sure?
In response to Robert J. Thompson’s letter in the Herald (Dec. 17) “Setting the records straight:” “He knows with great certainty that Mayor (Kathryn) Quade was not involved in the initial effort to keep city hall downtown.” Since he is so certain she was not involved, then how does he explain her vote, as a council member, on Jan. 15, 2005, against the 10th Avenue site for the city hall?
Muriel Williams
County budget
Tighten your belt
So we’re living in tough times, right? These days I’m getting by with a lot less than I was a year ago. In fact, I’ve reduced my overall spending by at least 20 percent. For me, that is a sizable cut in my budget, especially for an already-frugal person like myself.
Likewise, I expect our federal and local governments to make the necessary budget cuts, and the Kitsap County Prosecutor’s Office is no exception.
Recently, Prosecutor Russ Hauge made his feelings known on the subject of belt-tightening when he said, “If the county commissioners reach in and cut my budget beyond what I have suggested, it will endanger public safety.”
I have my doubts about the accuracy of that statement. Every county department has had to make substantial budget cuts because of a large revenue shortfall (which was caused by government overspending) this year, according to Kitsap County Administrator Nancy Buonanno Grennan.
The prosecutor also believes that cutting his budget will “impair his ability too respond to criminal behavior” and would constitute a breach of his duties.
Our economy is a reality, so let’s face the facts and make the adjustments needed. It’s not a breach of anyone’s duties to do the best you can with the resources at hand. Please make the required cuts and do your job.
Rob Daugherty