Support CK levy

They help kids believe in themselves and believe they can achieve bigger things.


I am writing about the upcoming Central Kitsap School District levy. My daughter was attending school in another school district. As a kindergartner, she was labeled as a problem child. I would get calls to come pick her up. I believed there was something wrong with my daughter. I was certain that she would be my child who wouldn’t have goals. After two years, we moved out of that school district.

We moved to CKSD and she attended Esquire Hills Elementary School. Esquire changed her. She had a teacher who believed in her. She started out with the same behaviors as she had at her last school, but her teacher had a talk with her and told her she could do better. I saw a change in her. She not only did better in school, but excelled.

Her sixth grade year she finally earned her self-managers badge. She is now at Fairview in ninth grade taking AP English, geometry, AP science, as well as her other required classes. She currently has a 4.0 GPA. I truly believe that if we had left her in the prior school district, she would have continued to be labeled as a problem child.

With Esquire and CKSD believing in her and helping her believe in herself, she is not only succeeding, but excelling in school. For this reason I believe in CKSD. They help kids believe in themselves and believe they can achieve bigger things. This is why I support the upcoming levy and why others should do the same.

Brooke Hawk


