This N’ That: A perfect day

Have you ever had one of those days when the world around you seemed almost perfect? The kind you just know the “Man” upstairs is smiling down on you? Well, I feel like I have just had that sort of a day. It started with old Sol peaking through our bedroom window, glancing rays off my rose bedspread. A bit later I wandered outdoors to greet the warm old fellow, and as I watered my hanging plants, I thanked God to be able to live in my own little Garden of Eden: The lawns all neatly mowed with flowers still blooming, and the sweet smell of clover in the air coming across the field. It was a moment when time could have stopped right then and one could live forever in the moment. Do you suppose that is what could be called heaven; a forever minute of peace?

After mid morning coffee, friend Gwen Wakeman, came by and we left to take care of Redeemer Sunshine women affairs. Our mission was to deliver fund donations to the Kingston and ShareNet food banks. These were the proceeds raised by our tea and period hat show in May. Another donation on the list was “One Church — One Family” project, a program our church participates in with over 20 other churches in North Kitsap. It’s a good feeling to know we are helping others instead of just preaching without action.

In ShareNet’s Thrift Shop, I found a beautiful ivory teapot made in England by Sadler, which I bought for next year’s tea fund. As most know, Phyllis Wahlquist pulled it off again this spring with the tea and hat show. I can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve for next year. Phyllis passed along “a grateful thanks to all who helped make it another success.”

Next, my gal-pal treated me to lunch in the Oak Table Café. What a pleasant surprise my first time there. The menu was far more than I expected with a wonderful variety. The soup, and shared salad, because it was so large, was delicious and the service attentive. Also, loving my coffee as I do, the cup was always filled. I couldn’t believe all the room inside and so comfortable. The airy clean-cut décor suits my taste just right. The tables were well filled with folks enjoying the food and atmosphere. Some items on the menu may seem a little more pricy if you don’t eat out often, but driving to Poulsbo, Silverdale, or even Bremerton, with gas prices going up again almost everyday, I wouldn’t worry. This is a place to especially take your out of town guests for a good meal and to show off. The theater I’ll have to try soon. A little culture never hurt a body. I seldom speak out unless I have a complaint, so I fooled you this time.

After my May column I had one e-mail and several phone calls about complaints from people living in Hansville. These folks seem to feel there is a segment of the community receiving favoritism from “county powers that be.” You know the sort, “what Lola wants, Lola gets,” from an old song line. I just thought I’d pass it, but won’t tattle any names though.

Redeemer United Methodist Church Sunshine Ladies rummage sale will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. July 17-18. Turn off State Route 104 onto Parcell Road, then right to 9900 Shorty Campbell Road in Kingston. You will see the Redeemer sign. I’ll be there co-chairing with Pat Menge, so drop by, say hi, and who knows, you may find something you like. If you have anything you care to donate, please call Jacque at (360) 638-2644. Items must be clean and in good shape.
