Well, the time has finally come.
After four years here at the Central Kitsap Reporter, I’ve accepted a position with South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia. I’m excited for the new opportunity, but at the same time, there’s going to be a lot to miss about my position here at the CK Reporter and the greater Silverdale community in general.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve the community here with such ease. Silverdale is a very different place than I first envisioned it upon my hire, and as a result I’m a very different person than when I moved here and I have each and every one of you to thank.
From every coach, athletic director, athlete, parent, reader, ref and all the others I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside in my four years here, I’ve received nothing but support and I cannot thank you enough. As soon as I arrived I was welcomed with open arms from everyone in the community. You made me feel at home here, becoming more than sources in the process.
We’ve had our ups and downs, from state titles and personal triumphs, to unexpected heartbreaks that ranged from a surprise game loss to the loss of friends, family members and loved ones. Through it all you’ve allowed me insights into your personal views and feelings and I only hope you understand how grateful I am for that.
But enough about me. I want to talk about you.
It’s an exciting time for athletics here in the Silverdale area, with a talented group of kids coming up. It’s also a somewhat uneasy time, as the school district continues to investigate options for the future.
So here’s my advice: Keep it about the kids. We have the resources (contrary to some beliefs) and we have the opportunity to do some great things out here. I honestly believe the best thing for the area’s athletic programs will be to move to a 9-12 format. Many athletes are getting time cut short by a year while the majority of the state allows freshmen to participate at the high school level, whether housed at the school or not. There’s no reason we should be holding our kids back.
But enough about that. I’ve got a lot of thanks to levee.
First off, to the coaches who have opened their teams to me, thank you. You made me feel like a part of your team in many ways. I hope I was able to do justice to the trials and tribulations, the excitement and jubilation your teams experienced. It’s been an honor getting to know each of you, and I certainly will see you again as I know already I won’t be able to stay away.
To the athletes, thanks for also allowing me to get to know so many of you. Thanks to each one of you for reminding me of what it’s like to be a kid again. It wasn’t always smiles and good times, but thanks for always talking to me, whether a tough loss or a great win. You’ll still see me at games here and there, just as a fan.
I’d also like to thank anyone in the community I’ve worked with over the years. Sorry we didn’t always have the space to get everything in, but thanks for understanding that very aspect of our business.
A very special thanks to Pierre and Noel Gauweiler and Central Kitsap Babe Ruth for allowing me to start coaching. I learned a lot from you guys about coaching and about working with 14- and 15-year-olds and have caught a bug now I don’t think I’ll be able to shake. Also, thanks to all the area baseball coaches and people who offered me tips and help along the way!
Lastly, I suppose I better thank my coworkers, as I’m sure I’ll get mobbed on my last day on Monday otherwise! So to all my coworkers, thanks for making our office hands-down the most fun in the Kitsap News Group. I love sports, but I’m confident no one has as much fun in and out of the office as I’ve had here, and you’re all a big part of that!
Many reporters have come and gone in my time here. When each has left, they’ve all said how grateful they were and how much they’ll miss being here. I can guarantee with no ego that none will have meant it as much as I do now. So thanks for embarking on this journey with me, sticking it out through thick and thin. I know I could not have done anything here without the help and support of each and every one of you.